Interview with Tanusree Mondal | Image Consultant | Certified Soft Skill and Corporate Trainer | Founder at Groomathon Finishing School

Tanusree Mondal

At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this endeavour, we invited Tanusree Mondal for an exclusive interview with us. She is a Leader, Image & Confidence Coach, Certified Soft Skill & Corporate Trainer and Founder of Groomathon Finishing School(GFS). Let’s learn more about her incredible journey, her background, and her advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Tanusree:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

I was a bright student always with a convent school background  Howrah, West Bengal. Though I was good at studies but I was equally good at sports. So, all my teachers loved me. After my 12th I persuade CA along with my graduation in commerce stream.

However, after a year, I found myself very dissatisfied with the CA curriculum and found that it was not my cup of tea, so I left CA. Then after my graduation, I joined INIFD to pursue Interior Designing, where I discovered joyfulness in the work. I started my career as an interior designer and opened my Company Creative Ex-In.

Me and my husband have been doing well in the business for the last 20 years. But then COVID struck. When all were shut down we discovered that there must be and should be some passive income to sustain. Then emerged the idea of online work.

I did a lot of courses during that time to upskill myself, when I joined soft skill training. And the first time I discovered that I could even teach. I was using soft skills unknowingly to a lot of people to help them.

Then I realized my real passion for soft skills and I took the decision to work with introvert youths and teens and help them build their confidence by achieving Effective Communication Skills and Personal Development and giving a push in their Career Growth. It’s been 2 years now I have been in this Role along with my designing skills, and doing my Coaching as an Image & Confidence Coach and a  Soft Skill Trainer.

Tanusree Mondal

How did you discover your passion as a ‘Trainer’?

My son is the biggest motivator in my life, he has pushed me to do soft skills and helped me to discover my passion.

Who do you believe has been the biggest source of motivation in your daily life?

I am a born helper. I have faced a lot of problems in certain cases helping others. But at the end of the day, I feel I have done my job. So one basic strategy I follow is whatever I do, I always take responsibility for my actions.

I have never repented on any action of mine taken in the past, or any decision I had taken in my life, whether even it turned out a mess. And I always believed in myself even when the whole world believed I was wrong.

I always stood by my own side and really it has helped me to grow as a person day by day. I learnt a lot from my failures, but I believe it’s not failures it’s my challenge and my learning.

What are some of the strategies that you believe have helped you grow as a person?

No strategies at all. I have always taken life as it comes, on a positive note. Even in my worst times, I believed that something good is there on every situation. I believe in the decision of the almighty and take it as a learning. There is no word of “depression” in my dictionary.

I get hurt, get emotional, cry a little and move on the next day. Even when I lost my mother, I couldn’t accept the fact quite for some time. Then I accepted the fact, found the goodness in it and moved on.

I am on a mission to help and serve society with this nature of mine and I believe if one can just take everything as a learning and can act accordingly, nothing is going to go wrong. Just I believe in myself and my God.

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

To me, success is not a measurement based on your financial strength. But I believe success is what you think you have achieved as a person. I am a successful mother when I see my son grow into a humble person and people admire him.

I feel I am a successful wife when I see my family depend and look forward to for my opinions for every small event. I feel I am a successful daughter, daughter-in-law and of course a successful entrepreneur till now because I have added value to each of my clients in their respective works. And now wish to be a successful coach.

Tanusree Mondal

What advice would you give to our readers?

One advice that I can give to your readers is to always take charge of your actions and believe in yourself and God. He is always there to do good. If you have a dream do it to the extent to fulfil it, don’t hold yourself back.

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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Sakshi Dua | Soft Skills Trainer | Image Consultant | Influencer

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